"Trial by Fire" is a gripping 2018 drama film directed by Edward Zwick, inspired by David Grann's article. The story follows Cameron Todd Willingham (Jack O'Connell), a man wrongly accused of arson-related murder, and his relentless fight for justice on death row. Laura Dern portrays Elizabeth Gilbert, a playwright who champions his case. The film explores the flaws in the legal system, the power of compassion, and the resilience of the human spirit. While the performances shine, some critics found its approach to storytelling somewhat manipulative. Nevertheless, it's a thought-provoking narrative shedding light on the complexities of the criminal justice system.
"Ray" is a 2004 biographical musical drama that chronicles the extraordinary life of the iconic rhythm and blues musician Ray Charles. Directed by Taylor Hackford and starring Jamie Foxx in an unforgettable performance, the film delves into three pivotal decades of Charles's journey. Raised in poverty in Florida, he battles blindness from an early age but overcomes adversity to become a legendary musician. The film explores his struggles, personal demons, and profound impact on the music industry. "Ray" garnered critical acclaim for Foxx's portrayal and was a commercial success, grossing $125 million worldwide, making it a captivating tribute to a musical legend.

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