Delhi Crime Web Series
"Delhi Crime" is an Indian crime drama series created and directed by Richie Mehta. The show is produced by Golden Karavan, Ivanhoe Productions, Film Karavan, and Poor Man's Productions and features a talented cast, including Shefali Shah, Rajesh Tailang, Adil Hussain, and Rasika Dugal. The first season centers on the aftermath of the 2012 Delhi gang rape, while the second season explores the Chaddi Baniyan Gang.
Filming for the first season commenced in Delhi in January 2018, lasting 62 days, with permission from the Delhi police and the victim's family. The series offers a gripping narrative that spans six days, from December 16 to December 21, 2012, authentically portraying the events from the incident to the final arrest.
Delhi Crime received critical acclaim for its performances, writing, and depiction of the real-life case. It made history by becoming the first Indian series to win the International Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series in September 2020. The show was renewed for a second season, which premiered on August 26, 2022.