Web Series
"Kota Factory" is a compelling Indian Hindi-language streaming television series created by Saurabh Khanna, offering a poignant glimpse into the lives of aspiring engineering students. Set in Kota, Rajasthan, a renowned hub for exam preparation, the show follows the journey of 16-year-old Vaibhav as he strives to crack the challenging Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) entrance exam. The series portrays the intense academic pressure, colorful hostel experiences, and the critical role of teachers. It garnered praise for its realistic portrayal and unique black-and-white aesthetic. With a focus on changing perceptions about Kota and education in India, "Kota Factory" is a relatable and thought-provoking exploration of the education system and the dreams of young minds.
"Khakee: The Bihar Chapter" is an Indian crime thriller streaming series created and scripted by Neeraj Pandey. Produced by Shital Bhatia under Friday Storytellers, it features an ensemble cast, including Karan Tacker, Avinash Tiwary, Abhimanyu Singh, Jatin Sarna, Ravi Kishan, Ashutosh Rana, and many more.
Set in the districts of Sheikhpura, Nalanda, and Patna, the story revolves around Chandan Mahato (real-life inspiration for Pintu Mahato) and the notorious Ashok Mahto gang. IPS Amit Lodha, posted in Sheikhpura, takes on the formidable gang while dealing with his personal challenges. The series premiered on Netflix in November 2022 and is set for a second season in 2023.
"Asur" is an Indian psychological thriller series that unfolds in the enigmatic city of Varanasi. The show follows Nikhil Nair, a former forensic expert turned teacher, as he returns to the Central Bureau of Investigation alongside his mentor, Dhananjay Rajpoot. Together, they are thrust into a relentless cat-and-mouse game with a ruthless serial killer who identifies himself as the embodiment of the asura Kali. Studded with mythological undertones and exploring complex themes of morality, the series offers a refreshing departure from traditional heroism. With a backdrop of mysticism, "Asur" delves into the fragile and malleable nature of its characters in a thrilling, questioning narrative.
"Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega" is a gripping Indian crime drama series that delves into the world of phishing operations carried out by a group of young individuals in the Jamtara district of Jharkhand. Created and directed by Soumendra Padhi, the series captivates viewers with its tightly-woven plot, where these small-town scammers find themselves at odds with a corrupt politician and a determined newly appointed police superintendent. With a storyline inspired by real-life events, Jamtara offers a binge-worthy experience, characterized by compelling characters and a narrative that keeps audiences hooked from start to finish.
"Jhansi" is an Indian TV series featuring Anjali in the lead role. The show revolves around Jhansi, an amnesia patient who embarks on a journey to uncover her mysterious past. While the series starts with intrigue, it falters with unanswered questions, loose ends, and underwhelming execution, ultimately leaving viewers unsatisfied.