Guns & Gulaabs
"Guns & Gulaabs" is a riveting 2023 Indian Hindi-language black comedy crime thriller streaming series on Netflix. Created and directed by the talented Raj & DK, it unfolds in the 1990s crime world of Gulaabganj, where government-licensed opium thrives under the control of rival gangs led by Ganchi and Nabeed. Amidst murder, intrigue, and blackmail, Arjun, portrayed by Rajkummar Rao, navigates a treacherous path, while the series draws inspiration from the iconic American hard rock band Guns N' Roses.
With a multi-faceted cast including Dulquer Salmaan and Adarsh Gourav, it delves into themes of love, innocence, humor, and romance against a backdrop of crime and violence. As secrets unravel and alliances shift, "Guns & Gulaabs" takes viewers on a gripping journey through a fictional world filled with complex characters and unexpected twists.