Khakee TV Web Series
"Khakee: The Bihar Chapter" is a gripping Indian crime thriller series created and penned by Neeraj Pandey. Produced under the Friday Storytellers banner by Shital Bhatia, it boasts a talented ensemble cast featuring Karan Tacker, Avinash Tiwary, Abhimanyu Singh, Jatin Sarna, and other notable actors. Set in the backdrop of Sheikhpura, Nalanda, and Patna districts, the series delves into the criminal underworld, focusing on the notorious Ashok Mahto gang. It follows the relentless pursuit of justice by IPS officer Amit Lodha, played by Karan Tacker, as he confronts both the criminal empire and his personal demons. Premiered on Netflix in November 2022, it's a thrilling tale of crime and justice in Bihar.