Mai (TV series)
"Mai: A Mother's Rage," often referred to as "Mai," is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language family thriller drama streaming television series available on Netflix. Created by Atul Mongia and directed by Anshai Lal, the series is produced by Anushka Sharma and her brother Karnesh Sharma under the Clean Slate Filmz banner. The show stars Sakshi Tanwar, Wamiqa Gabbi, Prashant Narayanan, Raima Sen, Anant Vidhat Sharma, and Vaibhav Raj Gupta in leading roles. It revolves around Sheel Chaudhary, a middle-class mother and nurse who uncovers that her daughter's death was not accidental but a planned murder, leading her on a relentless quest for justice. The series debuted on Netflix on April 15, 2022, and has been renewed for a second season.